Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs PRICE - 2012-12-04

You have told us that over the past 100 days the Renewal Management Board has been instrumental in uncovering the hidden problems left by Labor. Can you provide examples to the House of these legacy problems?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Stuart for her question. We have uncovered $600m of uncommitted legacies or uncommitted unfunded commitments left by the former government - $600m reaching into the forward estimates. It is a disgrace. Can you imagine promising $600m of expenditure and not knowing where one cent of that would come from?

It is outrageous and it came as a huge shock to us coming to government just 15 weeks ago. For instance, the 100-bed medi-hotel at Royal Darwin Hospital built with Commonwealth funds of $18.6m - a great project that will provide much needed short-term accommodation including a home away from home for remote patients receiving treatment. But, in true Labor style, not one cent was allocated to operational ...

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! The member for Fong Lim described it as a hotel for long-grassers.

Madam SPEAKER: There is no point of order. Deputy Chief Minister.

Mrs LAMBLEY: Not one single cent was allocated by the former government to operate this facility – an outrage. Labor is always good for media releases, at spending money, at trying to please, but when it comes to balancing the books there is no comparison to how the former Labor government mismanaged. There was no sense of responsibility, no sense of prudence, you just spent, spent, spent and worried about where the money was coming from later.

Another example is the Alice Springs Hospital emergency department. No provision for operational costs was built into the budget. This is what we have uncovered over the last 15 weeks with the excellent advice and assistance from the Renewal Management Board, a group of distinguished people who the opposition continue to criticise and wage disparaging remarks against ...

Mr Henderson: Your mates! Dodgy brothers.

Mrs LAMBLEY: I hear the former Chief Minister in the background. He is responsible too. The former Chief Minister of the Northern Territory is as responsible as the former Treasurer for the mismanagement of the state of the finances in the Northern Territory over the last 11 years. They can sit back and gloat, but today you will hear the mini-budget which will correct the situation. We are about responsible financial management, being prudent, and costing things properly.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016