Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr McCARTHY - 2015-02-18

Last week when discussing the future of the member for Araluen you told the Alice Springs branch, ‘Shoot one, educate a thousand’. Chief Minister, how can Territorians believe you are fit to govern when you use such threats and intimidation to stay in power?


Madam Speaker, the answer is because they know we talk about Territorians. We do not come in here talking about ourselves. They know we talk about providing change for the future; increasing Indigenous employment in the public service; building roads, bridges and telecommunications; transferring the centralised model of Labor decision-making to regions and communities; handing over Territory health centres to communities; and putting independent private schools in place.

They also know we are rolling out land release strategies to reduce the cost of living on the price of housing, because you drove it up so much. You did nothing in regard to housing release. They also know we are driving down the price of fuel by putting in fuel pricing determination legislation, sending it to a committee so we can have a positive effect on people’s lives and reduce the cost of living. We talk about what matters to Territorians, not muckraking or getting in the gutter, not playing around with mud and throwing things at each other.

I gave you a lesson yesterday. It was written well by Ben Smee in today’s NT News. He reflected, as I have reflected, that Australians have had a gutful of politicians fighting amongst themselves and talking about themselves. I challenge you again today to talk about policy and the Territory, not about us and our internal bickering. Talk about the Territory; that is your challenge.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016