Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LEE - 2014-05-14

Why has the NT bush been virtually left out of this budget? All observers of the Northern Territory budget have made comments about the complete marginalisation of the bush and Aboriginal communities with respect to new projects and government services.


Madam Speaker, again, I do not accept the premise of the question from the opposition. This budget provides more for the bush than ever before. There has never been a more pro-bush government in the history of the Northern Territory than the Giles Country Liberals government.

In this regard, our drive into the bush and regional areas has largely been undertaken by the Chief Minister. It is a passion of his and has been since day one. He stood for the electorate of Lingiari in the federal election a few years ago, and his passion for the bush has not waned at all …

Mr McCarthy: He flies in private jets. He does not drive anywhere, Dave. He is a frequent flyer.

Mr TOLLNER: … to the point where he has been all throughout Asia – I will pick up on the interjection from the member for Barkly, who took a cheap shot at the Chief Minister flying overseas. The member for Barkly knows the biggest market for our rural and remote produce is to our north.

This government, in this budget, has demonstrated beyond doubt that we are focused on developing regional and remote communities and economies. There is more money than ever being poured into tourism marketing, primary industries, mines and energy …

Ms LEE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. The marginalisation of people in the bush - have you looked at your budget? There is nothing for them.

Mr TOLLNER: Madam Speaker, 86% of the Housing budget is going into regional and remote communities. More than 40% of the infrastructure budget is going into remote areas; $106m in road funding into bush roads, including the Outback Highway and the Savannah Way in the member for Arnhem’s electorate – $30m in strategic economic roads in the bush. This is an enormous amount of funding going into the bush, and I take offence at people who suggest we are ignoring the bush.

As I say, there has never been a more proactive government in relation to the bush. Look at our reforms in local government. It is this government restoring the voice of the bush, creating local authorities and giving them money to spend in their local communities. Any way you cut it, this budget is a good budget. It is about securing our children’s future, building and diversifying our economy, and ensuring the next generation can enjoy the same benefits we have today.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016