Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2013-11-28

Casuarina shopping centre has been in the news recently after some horrific crimes. Could you please update the Assembly as to what police are doing in this area?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arafura for his question. Casuarina, on occasion, is raised as a crime hot spot. I am aware the police are doing a fantastic job there as are the local shopping centre security staff. I am aware you have concerns in that regard.

We have boosted the police in that area to ensure we have a safer environment for shoppers in the Casuarina shopping precinct. In addition to the Casuarina police station, the Casuarina Square police shopfront and beat continue to provide a highly visible presence in the shopping centre.

Police have also been active in responding directly to the recent violent incidences that have occurred there. Just yesterday, police launched Operation Studebaker specifically targeting crime and antisocial behaviour in the Casuarina Square shopping precinct.

It is one many such targeted operations police conduct regularly in the area.

The member for Casuarina is being very vocal in his concern about safety in the shopping centre, recently calling an excited press conference where he feigned indignation at the current situation. I wonder how many times the local member has been to see the local police and discuss this matter. I wonder how many times he has gone for a briefing to ask what has happened. I wonder how many times he has sat down with police and asked if there could be a special operation with targeted actions. I suspect the answer is none.

I thank the Police Commissioner, who is in the audience today, and all of the police who are providing a response throughout their normal day to day operations, particularly with Operation Studebaker, trying to target crime and antisocial behaviour in Casuarina Square shopping precinct.

It is a response we are actively pursuing and is something I became directly involved with because I wanted to see a greater response. I wonder how many times the member for Casuarina talked to police about this matter and raised specific concerns.

Members of the Casuarina alcohol accord meet every three months to discuss the crime trends and antisocial behaviour in the area. Its last meeting noted the crime trends in Casuarina Square shopping precinct were on the decline. It is a step in the right direction but there is still a long way to go. We will not be taking our foot off the pedal. We know members of the community have significant concerns about crime. We have raised it as a serious issue, and police are now implementing Operation Studebaker. We anticipate there will be successful outcomes from that. We want to see a reduction in crime in and around the precinct.

Mr ELFERINK (Leader of Government Business): Madam Speaker, I ask that further questions be placed on the Written Question Paper.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016