Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2012-12-04

You have given 20 of your mates high-paying jobs - up to $1000 a day and staying in luxury accommodation. You have increased the number of ministers to nine and employed a record number of advisors on the fifth floor. Do you agree there are now two worlds in the Territory: your world, where your mates are paid $1000 a day, and the real world, where the bills are being hiked up and people are losing their jobs as a result of your decision? Be accountable, tell us now how many more Territorians will lose their jobs in today’s mini-budget?


Madam Speaker, I thank the Opposition Leader for her question. First, I place on the record, without reserve, the quality of the contribution made by those I have asked to serve the best interests of the Northern Territory. That will be judged in time to come. It will be judged against the churlish and short-term opportunism taken by an Opposition Leader who is, frankly, hypocritical. You know very well there are a number of appointments you had oversight of when you were in government. I do not bring them here for everyone to see because we should be focused on the business of the Northern Territory and judged on merit. That merit will be seen by a government that is very serious about the future of the Northern Territory.

I have answered your questions again and again. You can run out into the marketplace and gain some support today, but they will be waiting to judge the substance of your commitment to the Northern Territory or your own political cause. Yes, you might get a round of applause today, but there will be no one cheering if you had your way in the Northern Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016