Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STYLES - 2013-02-14

The previous Labor government left some of the Territory’s best loved and most popular community events without any funding. Yet, the Leader of the Opposition’s spin doctor, Nicole Manison, says, on the back page of the Wanguri book of untruths she is peddling, that the government has changed the Territory for the worse. Can you tell the House how the government will save these great events?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for his question. This is very disturbing because the answer will bring out more to reinforce the attitude of the former government. This government has been in position for over five months. It is as though it was wonderful before but now it is bad. We are dealing with a very serious problem. When you look at the face of this, you see a former government that had little care or respect for community organisations.

I am going to go through some very disturbing information - displaying the attitude of the former government - which now has to be dealt with by the current government …

Ms Lawrie: You are in government, what are you doing?

Mr MILLS: We are telling the truth. Before I detail the government’s plans to provide funding for these events, I point out the Starlight Foundation, that magnificent organisation for kids with cancer, was allocated $5000 by the former Labor government. That is good. That looks generous and we appreciate that kind of support. The community would be grateful. However, Unions NT received $40 000 for May Day celebrations. No wonder you enjoyed the event out there the other day.

We know it is a holiday and Territorians enjoy a day off, but where did that $40 000 go when you compare that to $5000 for kids with cancer.

I guarantee we will reprioritise how we make decisions concerning support for the community.

Looking back over history, open your eyes and see this is the worst Treasurer we have had. Look at the magnitude of debt left for us to deal with. The current Leader of the Opposition …

Mr McCarthy: You are going to crush the union movement.

Mr MILLS: I predict you will come up with points of order because you will not like what you are about to hear. You put aside $912 000 for community events in the current financial year, but, true to form, the former Treasurer spent $830 000 before the election. In just two months she spent almost 90% of the budget. This left a $277 000 shortfall in funding for community events. Without decisive government action, events such as Anzac Day, the Darwin Star Ball for the Starlight Foundation, the Camel Cup, the Darwin to Dili yacht race and the Greek Glenti would be threatened because you raided the candy jar for your own purposes before the election.

There is nothing there; you have used it all. There are many organisations - I table the list - left exposed by this appalling former government.

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016