Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr VOWLES - 2012-11-01

You axed a great Territory icon. The Arafura Games is part of the bedrock of our strong sporting and cultural relations with the Asia-Pacific region. When you axed the games, did you consult with any of the competing nations, businesses, multicultural groups, sporting organisations, athletes or volunteers?

Did you have the decency to pick up the phone and talk to anyone about this despicable decision, or was it all about you and your unfunded election commitments?


Madam Speaker, the answer is: yes, of course I did. We also assessed what you phrase as bedrock. You had not laid any foundations and expected the new administration to build on something very scant with a poorly laid foundation.

Yes, this idea was produced 20 years ago and it was a solid foundation and a legacy left to the former administration to build on.

Question back to you: how many trips did you make overseas representing the minister to ensure you had lined up competitors? We have been here for just over nine weeks and have discovered a review was conducted under your administration which identified the need for a massive increase in funding. Was that funding provided? No, it was not. It was significantly less. Something like $5.5m was recommended, and you gave them just over $1m. You are now asking these big, bold questions of us. The problem is you did not do your work.

Finally, you dare, just for political jollies, to characterise this as an ‘axing’. It is not! This started with the Country Liberals recognising our strategic location within the region, and we will do it properly. It will be deferred and reconsidered, and it will come back bigger and better than ever before.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016