Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2012-10-31

Yesterday I asked whether the government was going to support the recommendation of the Ombudsman in relation to the flooding of blocks in Herbert, and you said:
    The Ombudsman’s report and the recommendations therein are equally valid and supported. I can report to you at this point that the negotiations are still in play. The developer is prepared to correct and to work in good faith to fix the problem. I can provide you with additional briefings on that afterwards.

I thank you for that, minister. Last night, I was in touch with one of the affected residents and have seen an e-mail to them from the member for Goyder which said Mr Mills stated the report recommendations are accepted by him and the process to buy back the properties will commence.

Minister, the residents believed you. Are you telling the residents you are not going to accept the recommendations and commence the buy-back?


Madam Speaker, it is a good question. Thank you, member for Nelson.

I did respond yesterday and gave you the briefing I could at that stage. I also advised you I would get you a more up-to-date briefing. What you have reported is quite accurate.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016