Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr VOWLES - 2015-02-24

The member for Araluen has said:
    Adam Giles was voted out of the position of Chief Minister on 2 February 2015 – just 22 days ago. Nine members of his team decided they no longer had faith in his leadership. Nine out of 14 CLP parliamentary wing members voted to have him removed from the position of Chief Minister.

    His colleagues generally felt he had lost touch with average Territorians, he was arrogant and his general dishonesty was eroding any respect we had for him.

Nine of your colleagues voted to remove you. How can you not resign?


Madam Speaker, I am focusing on the response to ex-Tropical Cyclone Lam. I can talk about other matters in relation to those cyclone affected communities.

Potable drinking water and sewerage services have been restored to all communities …

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. My colleague asked a very direct question and he has not answered it.

Madam SPEAKER: The Chief Minister has three minutes to answer the question. It is not a point of order.

Mr GILES: To be clear, there has been some commentary about the Australian Defence Force and its potential response to Galiwinku, Milingimbi, Ramingining and Gapuwiyak. The Australian Defence Force has not been engaged at this point, because in all communities there is adequate shelter …

Ms MANISON: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. It was a very direct question with regard to the fact nine of his colleagues do not support him …

Madam SPEAKER: It is not a point of order. Sit down. It has nothing to do with succinctness.

Mr GILES: I will not get engaged in those conversations. I will talk about Territorians – people who are suffering in a time of need.

The Australian Defence Force has not been engaged at this point, because in all communities …

Ms Lawrie: They want you gone.

Mr Vowles: A point of order, Madam Speaker!

Madam SPEAKER: No, it is not a point of order. You will not have anything new, so sit down. Opposition Leader, cease interjecting.

Mr GILES: In all communities there are adequate shelter arrangements, albeit cyclone shelters, in place for those families displaced by the cyclone.

The Department of the Chief Minister is in discussion with Emergency Management Australia on emergency accommodation arrangements in Galiwinku. Emergency Management Australia and recovery coordinators are in Galiwinku today, scoping accommodation options.

There are no emergency accommodation requirements to date in Ramingining and Milingimbi, although overcrowding is a significant issue in the aftermath of ex-Tropical Cyclone Lam.

Housing teams are on the ground in all communities, working with tenants to determine if their current arrangements are appropriate, acknowledging there is a significant amount of damage to houses. I will go through individual houses for those interested.

This is the most up-to-date information I had at the time of printing it. In Galiwinku, 61 dwellings were assessed as uninhabitable, 211 were assessed as habitable with 155 having no damage and 56 with minor damage ...

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. The answer is not relevant to the question about the nine out of 14 colleagues not supporting Adam Giles and asking if he will resign. The question is about cyclone Giles not Cyclone Lam.

Madam SPEAKER: The Chief Minister answered that in the previous question and the answer was no.

Mr GILES: Currently, 243 tenants have been displaced and there is an estimated repair cost of about $47.1m in Galiwinku.

With regard to housing assets in Milingimbi, there are 19 dwellings assessed as uninhabitable, 123 dwellings assessed as habitable, 41 with no damage and 82 with minor damage. Currently, 107 tenants have been displaced and the estimated repair cost, from a housing point of view, is $17.6m.

In Ramingining, without going through all the details, there is an estimated repair cost for housing of $17.7m, with 24 dwellings assessed as uninhabitable, 86 dwellings as habitable, 20 with no damage and 66 with minor damage. I am happy to keep updating the House on the impacts of ex-Tropical Cyclone Lam.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016