Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2012-10-31

Can you update the House on the status of this year’s Arafura Games?

Ms Lawrie: Bungles.

Mr Mills: Dopey.


Madam Speaker, she fails to understand the basic concept of alliteration. ‘Dopey Delia’ sits much better than ‘Bungles Conlan’, Leader of the Opposition ...

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member for Greatorex!

Mr CONLAN: ... the greatest Leader of the Opposition we have ever seen. Talk about the feigned indignation.

The first question, on the fly, was about the games and how we have wrecked the Territory. The next question is something completely different. Unbelievable - about Barry Coulter, one of the greatest parliamentarians the Territory has ever seen and a former Deputy Chief Minister, and Col Fuller. All she can do is cast aspersions against two great guys. If that is not enough …

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I would love to hear why the CLP has cancelled the Arafura Games. I would like him to answer the question.

Mr CONLAN: Absolutely, Madam Speaker. If that was not disparaging enough, she also continuously bags Alice Springs. We know she does not like Alice Springs, never liked Alice Springs. God forbid we should move the Arafura Games to Alice Springs. God forbid Alice Springs should be part of the Northern Territory. Heaven forbid! It is no wonder you are sitting over there as a result of what we have here today. The bush has spoken loud and clear, and thank God it has.

The Arafura Games was left in a terrible state as a result of the failed Sports minister. If there was ever an example of an idle politician, Karl Hampton was it. He could not even get off his backside and engage Asia. He had to send his then Sports advisor, now the member for Johnston, to go out there and do that, and what a very poor job he did!

Let us look at the current state of the Arafura Games. You might be interested to hear this, dopey. No contracts have been engaged with sponsors, no media partners ...

Mr McCARTHY: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I ask the member to withdraw that unparliamentarily comment, admit he is not up to the job of delivering the Arafura Games and sit down.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, if you could tone down your language, please.

Mr CONLAN: I certainly will not sit down. I will withdraw that term of endearment.

Madam SPEAKER: Thank you.

Mr CONLAN: Sponsors - no contracts have been engaged with sponsors. Suppliers – registration, software and procurement processes have not been completed. The venue has been cancelled; there is no games hub. The heads of delegation meeting has not progressed. The volunteers - no e-mail to recruit volunteers since the 2011 games.

Let us make it clear. We are about five-and-a-half to six months out until show time, Leader of the Opposition - no branding, no IT, no social media, no e-news has been engaged, no ceremonies, nothing about the opening or closing ceremony, or NT Sports finalising their budget - there is no agreement with those organisations, no sports medicine, and no Australian Paralympic committee has been formulated to progress the 2013 games. For the sake of the Territory, we are deferring it.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016