Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2015-09-17

Can the minister inform the House about what the Country Liberals government is doing to protect Territorians from the devastating impact of bushfires?


Mr Deputy Speaker, I thank the member for Arafura for his question. I know he has an interest in this, given a great deal of bushfire mitigation work is occurring in his electorate from plans put together by the Country Liberals government.

Bushfire mitigation is a key priority for the Country Liberals government; it is something we take extremely seriously. It gives me great pleasure to update the House on a new joint federal and Northern Territory government initiative. The Commonwealth will provide support of $904 000 over three years, and the Northern Territory government will provide funding of $1.1m over that time. The works will be carried out under the National Bushfire Mitigation Program. Together we will better prepare local communities and enhance bushfire mitigation outcomes.

As we all know in the Territory, and as we recently saw at Howard Springs, bushfires can be devastating on local communities. Families, business owners, pets and livestock can all be adversely impacted. Our firefighters and bushfire volunteers do an outstanding job. So far this year volunteer crews have battled 367 controlled and wildfire burns in the Top End, out of which there were 72 in Katherine, 22 in the Barkly and 14 in the central region. On behalf of Territorians I thank each bushfire volunteer working hard to look after the lives and property of Territorians. They do an amazing job.

Mitigation is an important way we can assist to reduce the risk of disaster and heartache through bushfires. This combined funding will go towards a range of initiatives, including the development of a new fire management planning framework. Fire management plans will be developed across the Territory. This government is unwavering in its support for bushfire mitigation across the Northern Territory, and the bushfire council and bushfire volunteer brigades have never been better resourced or better supported by any government.

When we came to power in 2012 we committed an ongoing extra $1m per year for bushfire work. This additional funding will go on top of that and complement the work already being done by Bushfires NT and the wonderful people in our bushfire brigades.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016