Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2015-02-17

At least 19 members of this Chamber have expressed no confidence in you. Territorians are expressing no confidence in you and are over your arrogance and dysfunction. You have mocked nurses, sacked teachers, attacked the integrity of our police force and been in a protracted dispute with our firefighters and paramedics. You have torn up your election contract with Territorians, breaking election commitments and increasing the cost of living. You have led a self-serving government that lies and covers up serious incidents.

Madam SPEAKER: Opposition Leader, withdraw that comment.
Move Proposed Motion of Censure

Ms LAWRIE (Opposition Leader): Madam Speaker, I move that so much of standing orders be suspended as would prevent this House from censuring the Chief Minister for:

breaking the election commitments contract with Territorians

increasing the cost of living, lying about Foundation 51 and trying to cover up the CLP’s slush fund

failing to grow a three-hub economy, instead tying up crucial water resources in the hands of your CLP mates

failing to properly plan for residential growth and tearing up existing land use plans

cutting crucial services across health, education and police

failing regional and remote service delivery

descending into a political farce, with 10 Cabinet reshuffles on your watch

attacking the integrity of police with outrageous allegations of an attempted coup.

Mr ELFERINK (Leader of Government Business): Madam Speaker, we will not accept this censure motion today.

Ms Lawrie: Cowards.

Madam SPEAKER: Withdraw that, Opposition Leader.

Ms LAWRIE: I withdraw.

Mr ELFERINK: As has been made clear, even by the Leader of the Opposition, Territorians want us as a government to get on with governing on behalf of Territorians, which is precisely what the government intends to do.

We will not allow the Leader of the Opposition, for the second time today, to return to the gutter in pursuit of her political ambitions.

Madam SPEAKER: The motion is to suspend standing orders.

Ms Lawrie: Madam Speaker, I want to speak to the motion to suspend standing orders.

Mr Elferink: Madam Speaker, I put the motion.

Madam SPEAKER: Leader of Government Business, are you moving that the question be put?


Motion agreed to.

The Assembly divided:

Ayes 13 Noes 9
      Mr Barrett Ms Fyles
      Mr Chandler Mr Gunner
      Mr Conlan Ms Lawrie
      Mr Elferink Mr McCarthy
      Mrs Finocchiaro Ms Manison
      Mr Giles Ms Moss
      Mr Higgins Mr Vowles
      Mr Kurrupuwu Ms Walker
      Mrs Lambley Ms Lee
      Mrs Price
      Mr Styles
      Mr Tollner
      Mr Westra van Holthe

Motion agreed to.

Madam SPEAKER: The motion now is to suspend standing orders.

Motion negatived.

The Assembly divided:

Ayes 9 Noes 13
      Ms Fyles Mr Barrett
      Mr Gunner Mr Chandler
      Ms Lawrie Mr Conlan
      Mr McCarthy Mr Elferink
      Ms Manison Mrs Finocchiaro
      Ms Moss Mr Giles
      Mr Vowles Mr Higgins
      Ms Walker Mr Kurrupuwu
Ms Lee Mrs Lambley
      Mrs Price
      Mr Styles
      Mr Tollner
                Mr Westra van Holthe

Motion negatived.

Mr ELFERINK (Leader of Government Business): Madam Speaker, I ask that further questions be placed on the Written Question Paper.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016