Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2015-02-26

In a recent important address to the National Press Club of Australia, the Northern Land Council CEO, Joe Morrison, outlined exciting opportunities for traditional owners of Aboriginal lands and seas to benefit from the northern Australia development agenda. You said:
    I have told TOs they have to remove the permit system on main arterial roads because it is a restraint on trade.

Since you have rediscovered the Indigenous Affairs portfolio, do you still plan to break up land councils and remove the permit system for arterial roads on Aboriginal land?


Madam Speaker, I do not accept the premise of the question. The Leader of the Opposition is trying to dog-whistle to Aboriginal people, once again. The Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act is federal legislation. To make any changes to land councils or permits would require legislative change at the federal level in Canberra.

I do not know where that quote was taken from, but I said this on the Tiwi Islands with the member for Arafura. On main arterial roads, where you are trying to support people in an economic approach – from the airport to the shopping centre or whatever it may be – the delays in getting permits are a restraint on development for those traditional owners. That is a significant challenge.

We do not have a policy about breaking up land councils or removing the permit system. It is all federal legislation. You are just trying to dog-whistle and scare Aboriginal people.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016