Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2015-11-19

Living on the Tiwi Islands and witnessing a decade of failure, cost blow-outs, delays and debacles under the urban-focused Labor government - can you please explain to the House how the Country Liberals have renewed focus on the bush, and how the bush cannot risk a Labor government?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arafura for his question because I know how hard we have both fought for the bush. I am very excited to share how we have renewed the focus on the bush. Labor does not understand business and never will, nor does it understand the bush. The bush cannot risk a Labor government.

Labor’s toxic shires stole the voice of local people, and those people still talk about them. The Country Liberals invested $5m in local authorities, giving back the voice of over 700 people in the bush. Labor did nothing with the remote morgues. The Country Liberals are rolling out new and improved morgues across the Territory. Labor spent and did not deliver in homelands. The Country Liberals are investing $6m into homelands this year through Homelands Extra Allowance.

The Labor government wasted millions of dollars through SIHIP, proof that the bush cannot risk a Labor government. The Country Liberal government has delivered over 400 new houses, over 450 refurbishments and over 700 upgrades with local jobs for local people in their country. The remote contracting policy will create 3800 jobs over the next five years, which is proof the bush cannot risk a Labor government.

We are investing in the future with $10m to support Central Australian renal patients, new clinics in Docker River and Papunya, and upgrades at Mount Liebig. The bush cannot risk a Labor government. Yesterday we heard about a $30m investment in remote telecommunications. The Country Liberal government is about creating economic independence and real outcomes, and escaping the endless cycle of studies, welfare dependency and hollow promises for our bush communities.

We have rolled out many programs as well. With our local authority priority project samples, Ali Curung received $86 000, Alpurrurulam received $67 000, Ampilatwatja received $61 000, Arlparra received $77 000 and Elliott received $49 000.

I want to add a bit about Elliott. I went there and they were so excited to see a minister visit the community. They said to me, ‘You are the first minister who has come to visit and listen to us’. We are listening to the people in the bush. They said to me, ‘You have given us a leg up, minister. We want to make a difference for Elliott. We want to make sure our people are employed and our houses fixed. You give us the hope we have been missing out on.’ That is what Elliott has requested and what we are doing for the community there. We are making sure our people in the bush have this opportunity for economic development.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016