Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HIGGINS - 2012-10-24

Can you tell the House what measures are in place at Wadeye following the disturbing civil unrest that has occurred in recent days?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Daly for a very important question which goes to a level of great concern right across the Northern Territory. I understand it is of concern to you; you have been watching with some concern and following updates from your electorate. I have been in regular contact and fed those briefings back to my members. I have been in regular contact with the Police Commissioner.

For the information of honourable members, the situation which has arisen in Wadeye results from a murder committed some time ago. There is someone in custody and the matter needs to be dealt with. There is a meeting of senior members of government to coordinate the response to Wadeye, and I commend all agencies for their swift and cooperative work to affect a good response. One of those is to bring forward the funeral as quickly as possible so the underlying issues can, hopefully, be dealt with.

I immediately offered, in consultation with the Ministers for Health and Education, support and refuge to any health worker or teacher working at Wadeye. To their great credit, they decided to stay and continue to serve the community; however, the opportunity was provided that if they needed safety it would be immediately provided. The way this matter has unfolded in the community is of some concern. The sad circumstances have resulted in, of the 400 children enrolled at the school, only 40 to 80 are attending school at the moment because of the unrest. I feel for the teachers. They say they do not feel unsafe but are tired because of the civil unrest in the community. However, they are there and continuing to serve.

One of the concerns is a number have sought refuge in another community. That needs to be followed through very carefully because if the Wet Season comes it will be very hard to provide services there. I receive updates twice a day from the Police Commissioner, and others, if required.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016