Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LEE - 2014-05-15

You are the chair of the Cabinet which appointed Peter Maley as a magistrate. You are aware that on Saturday 23 February 2014 he called me and offered me an inducement. He stated that I would have my own cheque book. Further, there was also an implied threat that if I left the CLP I would no longer be protected. Shortly after that I was called by the Attorney-General, who also tried to stop me leaving the CLP and repeated that I would no longer be protected if I left. I seek leave to table all the relevant documents ...

Leave denied.

Ms LEE: Chief Minister, will you now act to stand these two men aside pending a full, independent investigation?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arnhem for her question. No, not at all; I do not know what you are talking about. I do not know that Peter Maley called you, and if he did, how am I to know what he spoke to you about? That is ridiculous. I will not be doing that.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016