Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2013-02-19

Current Chief Minister, your government is in turmoil. Your party wants you dumped but they are squabbling over your replacement ...

Madam SPEAKER: Opposition Leader, please put that down.

Ms LAWRIE: They are the current betting odds ...

Ms Anderson: Kick her out.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Namatjira, you are on a warning. Opposition Leader, pause for two minutes. Stop the clock, Mr Clerk.

Honourable members, I have given notice to you in the past that I will not tolerate disrespect of the Chair in this Chamber. Anyone who disrespects the Chair, regardless of who is sitting in it, will be placed on a warning. Please continue, Opposition Leader.

Ms LAWRIE: Thank you, Madam Speaker. Your party wants you dumped but your colleagues are squabbling over your replacement. Territorians currently have no idea who will be Chief Minister by Easter. Will you end the uncertainty? Will you end the speculation? Will you end your denials and cover-ups? Will you resign and provide certainty to the future of the Northern Territory?


Absolutely not! Nonsense.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016