Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2014-03-18

You issued a media release in February announcing a discussion paper regarding reform of building regulation in the Northern Territory. Submissions from the industry and the public close on 4 April.

The public, especially rural lot owners - many of them are in my electorate as well as the members for Goyder’s and Daly’s electorates - know little about what is being proposed and how the reforms could affect them. Why has your government not held public meetings or workshops across the Territory to explain to landowners what the proposed changes will mean, or is consultation simply an advertisement in the NT News?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Nelson for the question. The differences in consultation on this side, compared to the previous Labor government, are interesting. Many of these are discussion papers and not at the stage where you would put something in concrete. This is a discussion paper. When the information comes back to government, we will look at it and when we are about to put together a formal document for consideration, consultation will occur.

I want to remind you of one thing, member for Nelson; we recently had the Towards a Darwin Regional Land Use Plan by the Planning Commission. There was a great deal of argy-bargy about it being released in mid-December, saying we were trying to release it at a time when people would not provide feedback or they would be away. The Planning Commissioner released it as soon as it was completed and, in that regard, I remind you there were 55 days provided.

The previous government’s 2030 plan was released for public consultation for 28 days - a 2030 plan they hung their hat on to say this was the biggest thing this government had ever done when it came to planning and it was out for consultation for 28 days.

We had 55 days, and when there was some argy-bargy we extended it for another month. I had no problem with that. We wanted to get as much feedback as we could, but there was a great deal of argy-bargy saying this would be the document which was signed off by this government. We are heading towards developing a plan and it is important we listen to as many people as possible.

How we consult with communities is different today compared to the way it was. We have e-mail capacity and Facebook today; there are so many different mediums to be used to consult with people.

A letter or advertisement in the paper is not the end of consultation. But I put it to you that consultation is wide; consultation will continue to be wide across the Northern Territory and the more feedback we get - this is where I welcome feedback - the better the plans we provide for Territorians.

The consultation period has been improved under this government compared to the last government, and the more people who provide feedback – I welcome it and wish them well and hope they provide that feedback to help us govern better.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016