Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MOSS - 2016-04-21

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report on child protection released today outlines that more than 50% of substantiated child protection investigations were for infants, the highest in the nation. More than 54% of child protection orders were for children aged zero to four years, again the highest in the nation. You gained 163 new foster careers but lost 136 last year. Your department stated in this report that the Northern Territory does not currently fund services defined as prevention or unification services.

This report confirms that you have not invested in early intervention and prevention services to stop children and families entering the child protection system. When will your government do the right thing and reverse cuts to NGO services in child protection?


Madam Speaker, starting with the suggestion of cuts, we are increasing and have increased the budget substantially.

Ms Fyles: It is a national report pointing out that you are failing.

Mr ELFERINK: I pick up on the interjection. The national report, which I presume is the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report …

Ms Moss: Yes.

Mr ELFERINK: One of the problems we have with members opposite is they struggle with some fundamentals. That report refers to 2014-15, so we are talking about something that is already historical by about 18 months to two years. They are trying to use those statistics to paint a picture. We no doubt have a problem with child protection in the Northern Territory. In the care of the Crown at the moment are over 1000 children. That is a disgrace and an indictment on all sorts of things, not least of which is some of the issues we face in remote and regional areas. That is also disgraceful. I am on the record as being critical of the circumstances that generate those outcomes.

Every time I talk about the number of children we have in child protection I am told I am stealing another generation. God, it is not true. This government has to cope with an abandoned generation, one abandoned by the parents who neglect, abuse or sexually abuse their children. All we hear from the members opposite is quotes from two-year old data which is being used as a political point scoring exercise.

We have increased funding and protection, and we continue to do so because of the influences that cause the problems in our community, not least of which is the presence of alcohol. All the measures this government has introduced will be removed by a future Labor government.

I remain highly critical of a passive welfare system which, unfortunately, contributes substantially to this problem in our community. Unfortunately the federal government, in this jurisdiction, spends millions of dollars every fortnight so this government has to spend millions of dollars cleaning up the resultant mess. All we hear from the members opposite is there is a report saying there is a problem. Yes, there is a problem, but the contribution made by other influences and factors beyond the control of this government are the things we have to cope with. We have to deal with that abandoned generation.

Should that person opposite become the next child protection minister she will be faced with exactly the same problems and will struggle for answers because she will not have the courage to place at least part of the blame where it belongs, which is on miscreant parents who do not look after their children, and neglect, abuse or sexually abuse them.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016