Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2016-04-19

The Deloitte Access Economics report paints a damning picture of your economic and jobs policy failures. The Sensis business report for March paints an equally bleak picture of how you are viewed by the business community, with confidence in your policies plunging to -7%. That is a direct rejection by business of your policies.

When will you admit your policies are crushing economic confidence and start listening to Territory businesses, which are crying out for a government that will support them? Will you now support Labor’s jobs plan, back Territory business and start to fix the enormous damage your failed policies have caused?


Madam Speaker, the Leader of the Opposition can say it as much as he wants but nobody believes him.

The most recent small business confidence index saw a rise in confidence in the Territory of 35%, and that is before we put out our $100m boost package. I do not know what numbers you are reading or how you can say you have a jobs plan when you have already committed to killing industry. You have already committed to closing down industries. The only ones to get money from a Labor government will be unions.

Look at what we saw at the federal level. The Transport Workers Union is trying to increase the cost of living by putting pressure on wages for truck drivers and eroding small businesses in the Northern Territory. Ninety-five per cent of businesses in the Territory are small businesses. How many truck drivers own their own business, yet you and your mate, Bill Shorten, were telling truck drivers they had to increase wages, which would increase costs, which would mean grocery prices would increase. It is not hard to see grocery prices would increase because of you.

The union will benefit under Labor, not Territorians. There is no plan for jobs, tourism or agriculture. The plan for gas is to kill that industry. There is no environmental plan. The only plan Labor has is to copy ours. It is a plan of plagiarism. ‘We have a local jobs plan’, and it is copied from the Country Liberals. I am pretty sure that is how it works, through many prisms.

Let us look at an old Labor plan. I was asking my colleagues on this side of the Chamber if they remember when Labor said, for eleven-and-a-half years, it would build the Palmerston hospital. Did anybody see that come to fruition? Labor never built it. Not only have we only been in for three-and-a-half years, paid back Labor debt, reduced deficit and diversified the economy, we have managed to start building the Palmerston hospital and budget for its operations.

History tells a very important lesson. Not only did they kill industries when in government, but their plans never came to fruition.

I know I only have a couple of seconds left, but keep asking me these questions. I love this game.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016