Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2016-02-09

According to the December 2015 Sensis Business Index, business confidence in the Northern Territory has slumped. The Northern Territory has the second-lowest business confidence in Australia. A total of 40% of Territory businesses believe the economy is slowing, and attitudes towards Northern Territory government policies now stand at minus-4%. This slump in Territory confidence is damaging our future and driving more Territorians away to live down south. When will you accept that your policies are damaging our economy and costing Territorians their jobs?


Madam Speaker, business confidence is down in the Northern Territory, particularly in the Top End. The one reason business confidence is down in the Top End is because at every chance a Labor spokesman gets on radio, in the media, in a community group or at somebody’s door and talks down the Northern Territory. I have not heard a Labor spokesperson not talk down the Northern Territory economy recently. Whether they talk about a vacant shop or someone who did not win a tender, they are talking down the Northern Territory economy.

The fact is we are the shining light of jurisdictions around the country. We have the lowest unemployment rate, the highest labour force participation rate and the lowest CPI in the country. Our house prices and petrol prices continue to drop; our investment continues to rise ...

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 110: relevance. Confidence in the Chief Minister has slumped amongst businesses. Does he refuse to hear what businesses are saying and will he answer the question? Will you accept that your policies are damaging the economy?

Madam SPEAKER: Sit down, member for Fannie Bay. Chief Minister, you have the call.

Mr GILES: Labor’s approach to the economy in the Northern Territory is driving down business confidence. As I said, our economic indicators are up, as is investment, employment, construction and everything. Confidence is coming down because you continue to talk the Territory down. Let me highlight one area where you have eroded confidence. You spoke the other day of your jobs plan, which copied CLP policy, I must add. Creativity is all about hiding plagiarism. Well, in this case, your plagiarism has been found and you were not creative. I thought the jobs plan was about creating jobs in the Northern Territory, but your jobs plan is not; it is about getting rid of jobs in the Northern Territory.

If you want to talk about confidence, let us look at your unguided, ill-informed proposed moratorium on gas. With your local jobs plan you have put a $1bn investment in a gas pipeline, with 900 jobs, 300 of which are in Tennant Creek, at risk.

Right now there are five major companies investing in the Northern Territory: Pangaea; Origin; Santos; INPEX; and Central Petroleum. They are investing about – back of the envelope – $200m each this year, making it $1bn. A gas pipeline of $1bn!

You want to talk about why business confidence is down? It is because businesses have no confidence in the opposition or its economic credentials and job-eroding plans ...

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016