Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2012-11-01

Is it true your government intends to scrap the new city of Weddell even though a large amount of the preliminary planning for this city has already been completed and the concept of Weddell is shown in the CLP’s own 1990 and 2010 Darwin regional plans?

If it is true Weddell has been scrapped, is that because your government will allow land in the Noonamah locality to be cut up into hundreds of little blocks, or are you developing new plans for Weddell which include the damming of the Elizabeth River?


Madam Speaker, Weddell was planned many years ago under the former Country Liberals. It sits there on our long-term greater Darwin plan which was copied by the former government. Weddell is still there. You are saying if we defer something or change the priorities it constitutes an axing, or we are going to remove it or do something else.

All we are doing is getting our priorities right, and that is ensuring we get our planning considerations in the right balance. If we put our focus on Weddell I cannot see how, in the short term - which is our immediate problem with the great opportunity we have where we need key workers to be accommodated, apprentices to have a place to stay - that will be solved by Weddell. It will be solved by a more immediate and challenging problem which the former government did not have the courage to face: properly planned, sustainable, urban renewal - how to relook at urban space so we can provide affordable housing for key workers. That is our highest priority.

To extrapolate from that that we are going to get rid of any plans for Weddell is completely false. This party has demonstrated, over its time in government in the Northern Territory, that it has long-term plans but is working it through.

This really backs up to rural blocks - that has to be open for discussion. I am sure you will have your say on that and I do not mind a variety of voices. We have put in an independent planning commission so all voices can be heard.

Ms Lawrie: Not independent, your mate.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr MILLS: I will leave you be on that. You should not be making these allegations. Seriously, I am warning you, do not go there!

We have put a planning commission in place so the community can have some confidence restored in its capacity to work through challenging issues. There will be local people who do not want any change. Broadly, everyone wants change but they do not want it to happen to them. We will put a planning commission in place so, as a community, we can work through some of these really challenging issues. People on blocks need to consider how we solve the problem with our young ones who are going off to university and want to be a part of the Northern Territory’s future. That is an important discussion.

Do not judge the outcome by the character or previous record of someone else. The community has to be involved in this. Weddell is still there. Our priority is to ensure there is a place where people on lower incomes - key workers - can live in the Northern Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016