Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs FINOCCHIARO - 2014-08-19

Could you please update the Assembly on the encouraging crime figures released last Friday? What do they show about the success of efforts to drive down both property and personal crime?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Drysdale for her question. Thirteen members on this side of the Chamber share the same view as her about wanting to see crime being driven down across the Northern Territory.

It is something we took seriously when we came to government. We rolled out a platform of crime response measures, including legislative reform. We have put in place new things such as Alcohol Protection Orders and additional CCTV cameras.

We have rolled out alcohol mandatory treatment and have a range of alcohol policies driving reform in the Territory.

The latest crime figures, released last Friday, confirm that. Territory-wide, the total number of offences dropped by 1886 in the year to June, compared to the previous 12 months ...

Members interjecting.

Mr GILES: I know Labor members do not like hearing these figures because it shows we are winning against crime by driving it down in the Territory.

House break-ins are down by 26% Territory-wide over the past two years. We made a commitment to bring it down by 10% per year. Police have achieved this by pursuing a group of hard-core recidivist property offenders through targeted police operations.

Labor had 11 years in power. We have been here for two years and we are already making a difference, especially in regard to alcohol-related crimes. When you look at the combination of alcohol mandatory treatment, Alcohol Protection Orders, temporary beat locations and Darwin Safe, all in operation since 20 December last year, you can see the changes in the crime statistics since then. The results are clear. In Mitchell Street alone, serious assaults are down by 24%.

I will give you some details of the June crime statistics. Assaults, Territory-wide, are down by 14%, NT-wide alcohol-related assaults are down by 18%, across Darwin by more than 3%, in Alice Springs by 27%, in Katherine down by 15%, and the member for Barkly will be interested in hearing about Tennant Creek, which is down by a staggering 47% - almost by half.

This is two years in government. If you want to talk about a report on two years in government, this is where we are driving change. You do not make change overnight, but if you get the legislative reform and the plan in practice, you start to see results at the back end, such as 47% in Tennant Creek, the lowest alcohol consumption in the Northern Territory since the 1990s. The Country Liberals’ alcohol policies are the best policies to ever work in the Northern Territory. We have the lowest alcohol consumption for the largest population since the 1990s. Our population is so much larger now, and our consumption is reducing all the time. We have been highly successful and the Country Liberals should be congratulated …

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016