Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2012-12-05

On 29 September this year you said, and I quote ...

Mr ELFERINK: Madam Speaker!

Madam SPEAKER: Opposition Leader it is 11 am.

Ms LAWRIE: I have the call.

Madam SPEAKER: It is 11 am.

Ms LAWRIE: I had the call.

Madam SPEAKER: It is 11 am, member for Karama.

Ms LAWRIE: You gave me the call, Madam Speaker. We may have started slightly after 10 am ...

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Karama!

Ms LAWRIE: You said a couple of things when you sat in the Chair.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Karama, please be seated.

Mr ELFERINK: Madam Speaker, I was just about to point out to you there is a motion on the book of this House that at 11 am the Leader of the Opposition be allowed to reply to the budget. If she seeks to rescind that motion we can rescind it, or at 11 am we can proceed with the budget reply.

I ask that further questions be placed on the Written Question Paper.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016