Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms FYLES - 2015-09-16

There is open warfare between you and the member for Daly, a fellow Cabinet minister, who is continuing to damage the work of the government. You verbally abused his son, a staffer, and lost your job. You rudely told him to stick his corporate tickets ‘where the sun don’t shine’. Last sittings you had a go at him for not playing the role you wanted him to in the ongoing planning issues in the rural area.

In return, and in an unprecedented sign of disunity, the member for Daly, your Cabinet colleague, has signed a highly critical letter of you and your plans to redesign the rural area. How can Territorians trust you and your colleagues to do their jobs when there is so much internal disunity?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Nightcliff for the question. There were so many things wrong about that question it would take me a day to respond. I have a fantastic working relationship with the member for Daly. We get along screamingly well. He is a good bloke and he is doing a great job as the minister for Sport and the Arts. I have nothing but praise for the job he is doing.

In relation to planning matters, I support the member for Daly in the letter that he wrote to the Development Consent Authority. He asked the DCA to look very closely at rezoning.

It is interesting the way member for Nightcliff has tried to mangle a couple of issues together. The member for Daly is not opposed to planning in the rural area at all, nor do I think most people who live in the rural area are opposed to it.

Planning is completely different from rezoning. With the Planning Commission we are looking to plan for future development in the rural area. The Planning Commission is going out of its way to consult with people. It has done the show circuit and a range of different shopping centres where it is setting up stalls.

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. I appreciate hearing how the minister claims to have purpose with his planning in the rural area, but how can Territorians trust him and his colleagues when there is so much disunity in his team?

Mr TOLLNER: She has reframed the question. It was a long, garbled question, full of mangled messages. I am trying to respond to the issue about planning. If you stop jumping to your feet every two seconds saying, ‘113’ as a way to interrupt, you might learn something, which would be unusual for you.

Mr McCARTHY: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I request the member direct his comments through the Chair.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, if you could direct your comments through the Chair.

Mr TOLLNER: The Planning Commission is currently planning for the future of the greater Darwin area, which includes the rural area. People in the rural area want to see better planning. They are sick to death of spot rezoning, as are most people. But if we go the way some people want us to, that will be the only option into the future.

This government is about proper planning, community consultation and making sure the Territory can grow in a sustainable way into the future.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016