Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LEE - 2012-12-04

Can you please advise the House of the achievements you have made over the last 100 days in reprioritising the work of the public sector?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arnhem for the opportunity to answer this important question. On being brought into government on 25 August, one of the key issues I and this new government focused on was the implementation of the 100-day plan and the necessary changes required for the operation of the public service.

This has involved reductions to a number of positions, and the departments have managed this transition with a corresponding reduction in personnel as some contracts have come to a conclusion. There has been the normal situation where workers have left positions that are not on the front line and have yet to be replaced. However, the promise to transition to new staffing numbers without sacking staff remains rock solid.

With regard to the public sector in general, there have been significant changes in the structure of departments. We have reprioritised the efforts of the previous mega-departments back to the service areas they were meant to represent.

The prime motivation is to be focused on the people we serve. For example, in my own area of responsibility, the Environment Protection Authority, the Lands, Planning and Environment, and Land Resource Management divisions will ensure a greater focus by CEOs and executives on the tasks at hand. By dividing the Department of Resources into Primary Industry and Fisheries, and Minerals and Energy, each will be able to focus on their key role in the implementation of a three-hub economy model ...

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113, relevance. How many public servants no longer have jobs?

Madam SPEAKER: That is not a point of order. Please sit down.

Mr MILLS: You did not ask the question.

There have been major changes in the way tourism is at the forefront of Territory thinking, not only with our decision to locate a full department in Alice Springs, but bringing Arts and Museums and Sport and Recreation out from under the shadows of a mega-department. Major Events will be motivated by the tourism potential that comes from people travelling here to enjoy these events, and by showcasing the Territory to those potential visitors in the accompanying media exposure. The synergy between Major Events and Tourism will now achieve the levels we desire and they will now work to a common goal.

We have created a new standalone Department of Corrections to ensure necessary focus is placed on reducing recidivism and getting offenders into a job when they are released. We do not want our legacy to be yet another prison nor a glossy pamphlet with a catchy title. We want measurable results.

We have also begun to implement sweeping changes across the Department of Health to ensure we provide the best possible healthcare for Territorians. My colleague, the Health Minister, has eloquently described the government’s intention in this critical area, and he brings an enthusiastic and dedicated energy to these challenges.

These 100 days have demonstrated a commitment to the Northern Territory and the public service that serves the best interest of Territorians.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016