Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms FINOCCHIARO - 2013-08-22

Providing affordable housing is a priority for the Giles government. Can you advise the House how the government will make homes and rental properties more affordable, and how does this government’s responsible action differ from that of the former Labor government?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Drysdale for her very important question.

Firstly, the Country Liberals have a simple and smart recipe for housing affordability, and that is about releasing land and getting building under way. That is what is important and what will work. It is simple and smart. As more houses and rentals go on the market, the heat goes out of rising prices. That is how it works.

We have identified more than 70 sites throughout the Territory, room for more than 2700 homes. Land has already been developed, and will come to the market quickly. It has sewerage, power, and the sites are serviced. Developers, investors and builders are excited. The phones are ringing off the hook.

It should be put into context that the previous Labor government was building about 1250 homes per year, when Treasury and the industry were telling them they needed about 1700 homes per year. That is 1800 homes short. We were 1800 homes behind the eight ball when we came into government. That is room for more than 5400 people who would have had a roof over their heads had you guys not dropped the ball. Labor was reckless and irresponsible. Territorians suffered then, and they do now.

After only eight months, 21 government lots in Darwin, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs have been identified. Developers and builders turned up in droves to the information sessions. In Darwin alone, 90 developers attended. They were excited, and they still are. Thirty solid development proposals have been received that involve more than 2000 homes. Developers are happy with this initiative. Their investment is secure with a 10-year head lease guaranteed by this government.

We are proud of what we have done, but the previous government left us behind the wave. The strategies we are putting in place will punch through the wave and get us in front, where a responsible government needs be in a growing …

Mr McCarthy: You cannot give me a lot number. I will get back to you on that.

Mr CHANDLER: I will give you a list of lot numbers, member for Barkly, even in Tennant Creek where you sat on your hands for years. In 2009 a town plan was developed for Tennant Creek and this former minister did not announce anything until August 2012.

We are a responsible government. We will take us from the position of being behind the wave. We will punch through the wave and get in front where we should be.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016