Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr CONLAN - 2016-02-09

Along with many other members of this House, I witnessed 11 years of failure, delays and broken promises from the former Labor government. Can you please update the House on how the Country Liberals are delivering for the bush?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Greatorex for his question about delivering for the bush. I am proud to say the Country Liberal Party government is fulfilling its election promise of providing a stronger local voice for the bush communities and a greater say for the people in the bush – for local people.

There is now greater accountability for service delivery across local projects and regional areas. The Country Liberals’ local authorities model is delivering. Labor’s super shire model failed communities and Indigenous people, and did nothing for the bush.

The Country Liberals government has given a voice back to the bush through a better, more representative local authority model, and it is working. Local authorities are running well in 63 remote communities, with 724 members of the local authorities now having a say in their own communities.

There have been 323 meetings and 697 actions raised by regional councils. The numbers speak for themselves. The Country Liberals government has strengthened the local voice in the bush. The level of participation and investment by the Country Liberals in local priority projects being rolled out across the Territory is outstanding. There has been $5m invested in local authorities. Projects vary from new playgrounds and upgrades to sporting facilities through to cemetery beautification, shade structures, water tanks and street works. These on-the-ground local projects are the results of the Country Liberals’ local authorities, which want to make sure their communities do better. The people out there are determined to make a difference. It is the local people who decide. This has given them the much-needed voice that Labor did not give them. Labor neglected people in the bush.

Local authority priority projects to date have spent $470 00 in the Barkly Regional Council area; almost $0.5m in the Central Desert Regional Council area; over $1m in East Arnhem Land; $580 000 in the MacDonnell Regional Council area; $740 000 by the Roper Gulf Regional Council; $350 000 in the Tiwis; $300 000 in the Vic Daly region; over $600 000 in West Arnhem; and over $400 000 in the West Daly. These projects alone are a clear indication that the local voice in the bush has been strengthened and the councils are now more accountable for service delivery.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016