Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BARRETT - 2016-02-10

Yesterday the Opposition Leader very kindly admitted the Country Liberals’ business policies are right. At the same time he refused to reveal details about his no-onshore-gas policy. What does this tell Territory workers about the shadow Business minister?


Madam Speaker, as the Chief Minister just said, we have a plan.

This tells ordinary Territorians that the Leader of the Opposition has a plan, which is to kill jobs and investment. Let us look at who this affects – ordinary Territorians such as fencing contractors, truck stop workers, people in the hospitality and tourism industries, pipeline contractors and those in Aboriginal communities. Many people will suffer because of this ridiculous moratorium that the Leader of the Opposition has put on gas.

All these people are part of our small business community; they are the backbone of the Territory. Now they are all second guessing what they should do about decisions they have to make. Do they upgrade their homes? Do they pay their mortgages? Do they come and go? Do they buy a new car? Do they get on with living their lives?

Sadly, all of this has been put in jeopardy. This is also the Leader of the Opposition who completely forgot to put the Business portfolio into his shadow ministry. He just forgot about business. Shame on you. That is how important it is.

The NT is said to contain the world’s largest supplies of onshore gas, enough to potentially meet Australia’s combined domestic and export needs over the next 200-plus years. A recent study commissioned by the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, and produced by Deloitte Access Economics, suggests the NT may be sitting on a new gas bonanza. Is it true? It is, but it has all been put in jeopardy because of this moratorium the Leader of the Opposition insists on putting on gas.

According to Deloitte’s analysis, onshore gas in the NT could drive significant long-term economic growth, create thousands of new jobs and generate almost $0.5bn of additional government revenue each year. That is revenue the current government needs to pay off the Labor debt and the mess they left us in.

A study examined two potential growth scenarios based on the development of onshore gas for the Northern Territory: east coast and export markets from 2020 to 2040. Deloitte found that the highest growth scenario examined with a cumulative increase in gross state product could reach $22.4bn in net present value and an increase of 37%. The same growth scenario would result in long-term employment for 6300 full-time jobs in the NT and additional revenues to the NT government of up to $460m a year. What can we do with that? Put it into education and make this the knowledge state.

That is what the current Leader of the Opposition is putting in jeopardy. The Opposition Leader has to stop his weasel words and tell Territorians how long the ban will last. Last night on television he said five. What is it, five years, five months? This is an ill-conceived and irresponsible moratorium he is talking about. He needs to tell business what he will do so he can give certainty back to Northern Territory investors.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016