Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2014-02-12

When police, doctors and lawyers told you your alcohol policies would not work, you told the experts - and please excuse my language, Madam Speaker, I am quoting - to ‘piss off’. When the member for Daly called for an inquiry to address the increase in alcohol violence, what did you tell him to do?


Madam Speaker, the member for Fannie Bay is completely misquoting and is completely out of context.

After the member for Daly had a chat, I rang him and gave him some of these statistics because it is important for people to be well informed.

They lead with their chin asking an alcohol question after I have just given substantial evidence of changes, but I will keep going through this list now.

The Alice Springs wholesale supply in 2012-13 is the lowest since 2000-01. We got rid of all of your policies …

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Could he table those statistics around alcohol?

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, are you prepared to table the documents?

Mr GILES: No, they are my notes. I typed them myself after reading the information put out by the Department of Business. I have done my research and I prepared this information.

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Members interjecting.

Mr GILES: I would love to ask what a warning means in this Chamber, but I will not.

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister.

Mr GILES: While I just quoted those Alice Springs wholesale supply figures dropping to the lowest level since 2000-01, it is important to remember this was the first year wholesale supply data has been collected, so we do not know how far the improvement goes back. Wholesale alcohol supply, litres per pure alcohol content in Katherine – I know the member for Katherine is very interested in this - was 7% less in 2012-13 than 2011-12, after we got rid of the BDR. These statistics throw their whole argument about the BDR down.

In Nhulunbuy it has dropped by 17%. In Tennant Creek it is down 5%.

I find it amusing that the member for Fannie Bay asked the question straight after the member for Nelson asked an alcohol-based question where I proved, through the statistics available from the Department of Business, that wholesale alcohol supply has dropped substantially. Our measures are working, then you ask a question about it, which is a question completely out of context and ill informed.

We work with all our colleagues to make sure everyone knows what is going on in the statistical outcomes, but what we are seeing through this evidence is that our alcohol measures are not only working, they are working substantially. Everyone on this side of the Chamber, and everyone in government who is working on these areas - including business, licensing, police, the health sector and alcohol rehabilitation – needs a pat on the back. In the face of strong criticism from an ill-informed, misrepresenting Labor party opposition on the other side, they have copped it, as have we, but the statistics show it is working. Crime is going down and people who have alcohol problems in the Northern Territory are being treated. Congratulations to everybody who has stood in the face of adversity.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016