Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GILES - 2015-04-30

Mr Deputy Speaker, a point of clarification on fuel. I said the fuel price differential had gone down from 38c to 4c. In fact, the latest figures from the Australian Institute of Petroleum show unleaded fuel across the Territory has gone down an average of 36.8c compared to a year ago. I referred to that as a differential but it was actually the price drop.

The differential was 22c a litre a year ago and is 4.3c a litre right now. The price has dropped 36.8% on average Territory-wide, or 38.8c in Alice Springs and 37c in Darwin but the differential has closed from 22c per litre to 4.3c per litre. That is a fantastic outcome.

Mr CHANDLER (Education): Mr Deputy Speaker, I also want to clarify a couple of things because we know the Labor Party members are quite clever in dropping things on the table and walking away, throwing mud and walking away. They have done it again today.

The member for Wanguri tabled some charts to indicate a couple of points about education in the Northern Territory. One of those – and I need to put this into context – was Achievement Trends in Writing. What you will see here – and I have highlighted the things you have tabled quite clearly – is a decline in writing.

You will notice at the end though that the section highlighted yellow is across Australia. This is a concern across Australia at the moment, not just in the Northern Territory. In fact, the federal Department of Education is investigating the NAPLAN exams to ensure the type of testing used is not causing this trend. That puts that into context.

This one is more important; this is in regard to numeracy. You will see again all I have done is highlight the tabled documents. You will see the beautiful ochre line here. This indicates 2012 when the Country Liberals came to government. You can see that most of those lines were trending downwards before the Country Liberals came to government. Quite clearly after the ochre lines when the Country Liberals came to government the trend is on the way up.

I will show you NAPLAN results if you want us to get charts out and show you in the time when Labor was in government it was a sea of red. Who remembers in the NT News the ‘sea of red’? Whilst I will admit there are still many bits of red because we are coming off a low base, there is far more green today.

Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you, minister. The House is satisfied with your clarification, minister.

Mrs PRICE (Housing): Mr Deputy Speaker, I table Mr Mossman’s travel details.

Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you, minister, for tabling that document.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016