Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs FINOCCHIARO - 2015-02-26

It has been a pleasure working with you, the Department of the Chief Minister, Dr Tom Lewis, the Borella family, NT Major Events and a host of other people in preparation for the Borella Ride. Last Friday I joined you in Tennant Creek for the start of the historic event. Can you please update the Assembly on this event and the warm reception the team has received up the track from locals?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Drysdale for her assistance in getting a range of things up and running, especially the work with the Borella Ride. I also thank everyone involved, including the NT Major Events Company.

Last Friday, the member for Drysdale and the Minister for Multicultural Affairs had an opportunity of accompanying Bob Shewring and me to Tennant Creek for the start of the Borella Ride, the centrepiece of the Territory government’s Anzac Centenary program. The ride pays tribute to the Territory’s only Victoria Cross recipient, Albert Borella, by recreating his remarkable journey from Tennant Creek to enlist in WWI.

From the Barkly, Albert Borella walked, swam flooded rivers, rode horses and eventually travelled on a mail coach train to Darwin. Unable to sign up there, he was taken by ship to Queensland for training and signing up, then to Western Australia before serving at Gallipoli and the Western Front. The 1000 km trek up the track to Darwin, which is being recreated now, includes stops at Renner Springs, Elliott, Dunmarra, Daly Waters, Larrimah, Mataranka, Katherine and Pine Creek, before arriving in Darwin next Tuesday.

There has been a huge turnout along the track as locals have come out to glimpse the team as it travels north, especially school students, which is good. It is a fantastic event which has captured the community’s imagination. Again, I congratulate the NT Major Events Company. It is good to see the ads on television, educating Territorians about the events that took place.

It is a fitting end to the tenure of outgoing NT Major Events General Manager, Paul Cattermole, who retires from the position at the end of the month after seeing the Borella Ride finale. Since starting in 1998, Paul has managed and overseen 17 of the V8 Supercars Championships in Darwin. He is a great Territory ambassador and has put our events on the national map. We are now farewelling Paul, but I am very pleased to announce the appointment of Andrew Hopper as the new NT Major Events General Manager.

Andrew brings to the organisation a wealth of experience, having an extensive record in leading the planning and delivery of major national and international projects and events. He holds an MBA and has most recently held the position of Senior Consultant for MI Associates, which commenced business in early 2001 at the conclusion of a successful Sydney Olympics and Paralympic Games. I look forward to working with Andrew, as I am sure we all do in government, and I thank Paul Cattermole and the team at NT Major Events for the fantastic Borella Ride. We look forward to its arrival in Darwin next Tuesday.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016