Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr VOWLES - 2013-12-04

Nearly 12 000 Territorians, including the Deputy Chief Minister, I understand, have now signed a petition urging you to defer the eviction of badminton from Sports House. They were out the front in force this morning. The petition urges you to allocate funding for NT Badminton’s proposal for a new facility. Given the huge backlash to the ignorant and cold-hearted decision to evict badminton from Sports House, will you now reconsider your decision to forcibly remove NT Badminton from their premises and accept responsibility to provide them with an appropriate facility at a peppercorn rent like other sports?


Madam Speaker, despite the fact there is a motion before this House, this question could be deemed out of order. It is pre-empting debate; however, I am more than happy to answer the question.

Mr VOWLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance - I am not really sure. I do not think he should be running this parliament. It is your job to see what is out of order and what is not.

Madam SPEAKER: Sit down. He has just started the answer.

Mr CONLAN: Madam Speaker, I am prepared to answer the question, but I will be brief because this will be debated in full at 5:30 pm. You mentioned 12 000 Territorians. I would like to see that petition and see if they are all Territorians, because I know a number of the signatories were from cruise boats or were interstate visitors signing at markets. We might be able to flesh that out tonight.

Sports House has had major infrastructure failings and has reached the end of its economic life after about 30 years. As of September 2013, badminton in Darwin had 200 members and another 40 casual non-member players. The proposal for a new facility is for a very large building to house three sports: badminton, judo and table tennis. The proposed facility would be significantly larger than Marrara Indoor Stadium, at an estimated cost which has been provided to me by NT Badminton - I acknowledge they are in the gallery today. The cost is $9.6m for an air-conditioned venue or $6.8m for a facility without air conditioning. Based on the current membership of these three sports, that equates to about $22 000 per member for the higher cost option or $15 000 per member for the lower cost option.

The Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing has investigated the availability and suitability of existing sporting facilities including schools, Marrara Indoor Stadium and Palmerston Community Centre. Considered together, there is sufficient court space to generally meet badminton’s needs. However, they would have to share with other sports and spread their games between venues, which is something they are not prepared to do, this is despite NT Badminton accepting a $20 000 grant to assist them with new equipment as a result of their relocation.

A summary of some of the offers are Marrara Indoor Stadium for day time social play at 50% of the standard hiring fee …

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. It was a very direct question: will you provide a facility at peppercorn rent for badminton?

Madam SPEAKER: The minister has three minutes to answer the question. He is doing an okay job. Minister, you have the call.

Mr CONLAN: Thank you for your confidence in my answer, Madam Speaker.

… Palmerston Recreation Centre to assist and negotiate extra booking times, or community school halls to assist negotiated playing times. None of this has been acceptable to NT Badminton. I congratulate them for their passion and their determination, and professionally presented proposal to my office. I look forward to expanding on this tonight at 5.30 pm on general business day.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016