Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2013-08-20

One year ago you promised to cut the cost of living. Since then our cost of living has increased at the fastest rate in the nation. Your budget books point out that the power and water tariff increase by the CLP spiked up the cost of living. You put the cost of living up right across the Territory in every way you could and, at the same time, wages are growing at the slowest rate in the nation. The cost of living is up and wages are down.

Here is a CLP advertisement from a year ago, and here is a CLP advertisement from this election campaign. You hiked up the cost of living when you promised to reduce it. Why should Territorians trust Tony Abbott when you have already broken your commitment to reduce the cost of living?


Madam Speaker, this is a comedy show today with some of the questions being asked. Come in spinner is the right line. This is another untrusting question by Labor, untrusting question by Delia Lawrie, untrusting approach by the Labor government.

Cost of living pressures are a challenge for everybody and we know about that more than anyone else because we have to deal with the problem. That is why we are building more units, releasing more land and having more houses constructed, ensuring we reduce the cost of living pressures. We have answered this question before, but when you have a growing economy the challenges are to keep the balance right. Our land release and dwelling construction activity, new houses being built, is driving down and equalling the balance in cost of living pressures.

The biggest challenge to the cost of living in the Northern Territory is the carbon tax Labor promised never to deliver.

Untrustworthy Labor - 0.7% impact on the CPI through the carbon tax. It does not matter what you get in the Northern Territory you succumb to Labor’s carbon tax. The increase in the price of heavy fuel or diesel for the transportation industry - anything delivered here will increase because of the carbon tax. Groceries, petrol prices, building construction materials, everything goes up with the carbon tax.

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Misleading …

Madam SPEAKER: What is the standing order?

Ms LAWRIE: Misleading, whatever the standing order number is. The budget books show the power and water price increases …

Madam SPEAKER: There is no point of order. Sit down, Opposition Leader.

Mr GILES: We will go back to the carbon tax promised never to be delivered but, of course, you cannot trust Labor. The mineral resources rent tax is having an impact on our mining operations in the Northern Territory and causing trouble. All these Labor taxes drive up the cost of living.

How many people in the Northern Territory will be affected by Kevin Rudd’s new thought bubble on FBT changes? Twenty nine cars at Somerville Community Services will be affected by the FBT changes by an untrustworthy federal Labor government under Kevin Rudd’s leadership. He is no different to you. You are the lap dog for Kevin Rudd. He is untrustworthy; you are untrustworthy! If you want to ask serious questions about the cost of living, look in your own back yard to see how you governed so poorly and left us with $5.5bn worth of debt in an untrustworthy environment.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016