Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2013-08-21

This is a copy of a chart produced by Treasury, and I will table the Treasury document. It shows that Darwin has, by far, the highest inflation in the country. The cost of living is increasing at the fastest rate in the country, after you promised to cut it. You betrayed Territorians. As the build-up starts and power bills grow, Territorians will experience your betrayal every time they turn on an air conditioner.

The carbon price put up bills by an average $135 per year, compensated by payments from the Commonwealth government. You added $2000 per year, yet you blame the carbon tax. When will you stop betraying Territorians and accept your responsibility for increasing the cost of living in the Northern Territory?


Madam Speaker, the opposition gets more and more irrelevant every day. Come here with something decent to talk about. We answered these questions yesterday. We have the fastest growing economy, the fastest growing growth predictions, the fastest dwelling constructions, and the fastest approvals for dwelling constructions. We have the economy that all jurisdictions in the nation want to see. All jurisdictions in the country want to be part of the Northern Territory, to see what is going on here, and want they to invest here.

We have a 3.1% CPI rate forecast. What is part of that 3.1%? I sound like a broken record because I answered this question yesterday. Carbon tax makes up 0.7% of our CPI, and 0.8% of the power price rises is due to the carbon tax.

There is only one message I send to Territorians: if you want a growing economy and a government that delivers on results, you cannot trust Labor because you cannot trust Labor. They are all of the same colour: Territory Labor, federal Labor - the little lap dogs who do whatever Kevin Rudd or Julia Gillard tells them to do in their role as Prime Minister. I remember when Julia Gillard said, ‘There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead’. We have heard Tony Abbott mention that many times. Tony Abbott, the man you can trust, said he is going to get rid of the carbon tax. Labor brought the carbon tax in. The biggest cost of living pressure increase is the carbon tax: 0.7% of the CPI.

Stop leading with you chin. You need to come here with better questions and better policies so we can start debating something sensible. You want to start debating things that are sensible.

I am happy to take three minutes trying to entertain the spectators by answering a stupid Labor question. You are the people who own the carbon tax; it is your tax. You are driving wage inflation. You are driving the cost of housing and the production of goods. When the carbon tax is applied to heavy fuel for all the trucks, ships and trains that run on diesel to delivers our goods, the price of delivering goods goes up so everything goes up. Building a house costs more because of the carbon tax ...

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I refer you back to relevance to the question. Why do you blame others for breaking your promise to cut the cost of living: $2000 a year for households, $4000 and above for businesses. That is all added to freight, to costs at the shop, to the cost of living …

Madam SPEAKER: Opposition Leader, please be seated. Chief Minister, you have the call.

Mr GILES: I have answered it.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016