Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2013-02-19

Current Chief Minister, you broke your promise on the cost of living. You broke your promise to move drunks from the streets. You broke your promise not to sack any public servants. Even former CLP minister, Daryl Manzie, on radio said:
    That is probably the worst CLP result for that seat that has ever happened. Chief Minister Terry Mills has to take full responsibility for the result. I do not know whether Terry Mills still realises the extent of the strong public feeling against the government and against him in particular. It is unbelievable. Around the barbecue, even the strongest supporters of the government are scathing about Terry’s performance.

He went on to say:
    I believe the brand ...

Mr TOLLNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I am wondering if there will be a question or if we are just going to listen to a rant.

Madam SPEAKER: Sit down, there is no point of order.

Ms LAWRIE: This is what Daryl Manzie said about Terry Mills:
    Does Terry understand that? I doubt it. Does the parliamentary of the CLP understand that? Some do, I know for a fact ...

Madam SPEAKER: Opposition Leader, your time has expired.

Ms LAWRIE: Why are you not accepting reality? Your time is numbered.


Madam Speaker, I note it was not a question, nor was it genuine or sincere. I will take the opportunity to respond to it in a similar vein.

First, I welcome the new member for Wanguri. I should have done that earlier. You represent families who are planning for their future. They are struggling to manage their affairs today. Most of these families are having to adjust to the increased cost of living, without a doubt. No one really thinks the cost of living magically appeared the day the Country Liberals came to office.

We have put in place a clear plan to deal with a very real and complex problem. The first is you have to cut waste. That is not easy. These are times that require decisive action. You cannot get to a destination if you just wander around the place, hope things will get better, and the magic GST fairy will come and give you more money, fix your problem, and you will not have to make any hard decisions.

Our real care and concern is for these families because, if we do not deal with this, the reality is we will paint ourselves into a corner. You do not have the capacity to move if you have to pay increasing repayments, which is very real. You should know this. I thought you knew a great deal about Treasury. You gave me that impression when I was in opposition but, clearly, it was all a sham and quite superficial.

The proposition of a family trying to manage a budget when the interest repayments get out of control is a very difficult situation. When a small business’s debt levels get out of control it has a very real problem. Also, the Territory’s debt level is rising to a point where it needs to be brought under control.
These actions were required by this government. We have to do this so we are in a good position to take us to a better place.

After five-and-a-half months, I understand the nature of the problem has required some difficult decisions which are difficult to adjust to and accept. I ask families to understand that this is for a very good reason, hard though it is. I have acknowledged that 100 times over; I know how hard it is.

There is a reason for this. The Territory has a very good future, but we need to have a government that is in a position where it can capitalise on that and create a better future for the Northern Territory.

It is simple, but difficult, for you to comprehend because it is all through a political lens. You are trying to score a political point, to capitalise on the anxiety families have right now in this time of change when, really, we are going somewhere. We know where we are going; we have a real plan. We are going to create a very strong future for these young families ...

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016