Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MOSS - 2015-03-25

This morning the ABC reported you saying, ‘When we are talking about something as serious as children who maybe are being neglected or allegations of sexual abuse, I think in government we have got to do everything we can do to stop that from happening.’

In estimates last year, your third minister for Child Protection infamously said:
    The core function of this department, however, is the ambulance turning up at the crash scene.

The Children’s Commissioner said on that same day:
    That is very simplistic. The reality is, in the Northern Territory our children, by any measure, are subject to traumatic living conditions at a higher rate and higher intensity than any other jurisdiction in Australia.

With your new epiphany on the need to improve safety in town camps, what funding has been allocated in next month’s Territory budget for social services, the implementation of alcohol management plans and additional housing infrastructure?


Madam Speaker, the opposition will have to wait for the budget for that information.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016