Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2012-12-04

Is it your intention to sell Berrimah Farm? If so, will it be used for industrial development or residential? If residential, is this part of your in-fill plans?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for his question. There are many ‘ifs’ there. In this Chamber, on Wednesday, we had the debate about how our community will resolve significant planning issues, and we put forward a Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will allow these ideas to be properly developed in full view of the community with all stakeholders involved.

We know we have to achieve better use of land. This land has to be included in consideration. We have now given the Territory a capacity, and the Territory community the means, to engage in discussions to establish long-term integrated strategic plans.

It is a damn shame the Labor opposition and the Independent member rejected the proposition put by the government in its commitment to long-term strategic planning. You opposed the implementation of the Planning Commission which we see as a very important vehicle to deal with these real issues.

Whether you object to it or not on whatever grounds, it exists for a very good reason. You will have the opportunity to be involved in these discussions, whether you like it or not. It is there so we can all work through these important matters so all Territorians can help solve the issues around the supply of housing in the best way.

There is land there. I am not saying there is a plan, but there is a means to deal with these matters.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016