Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs FINOCCHIARO - 2014-11-26

Can you please update the Assembly on the recent disappointing decision relating to regional coverage by the ABC?


Madam Speaker, I appreciate the question from the member for Drysdale. This is the type of question the member for Arnhem might ask given the vast geographical distances in her electorate and the importance of the ABC to many people in regional and remote parts of the Northern Territory, including our urban locations.

The ABC is a critical link for many Territorians who do not have access to other communications. The changes the Managing Director, Mark Scott, announced recently are detrimental to the Northern Territory; 7.30 NT, which is being axed, provided scrutiny of government, opposition and a range of current affairs matters.

It is not always the most popular program in regard to scrutiny of government, but it is a vital source of information to people. It is unfortunate the decision has been made. I have written to Mark Scott asking him to reconsider his decision and look at making cuts in other ways. We all have to live within our budgets, and my message to Mark Scott is to not cut regional and remote Australia, including Darwin, because the ABC is a vital link as a public broadcaster.

I look at how the ABC, from its headquarters, funds its operation, the roll-out of its digital platform and where its priorities are, and I believe it has its priorities wrong. Its priorities should be about providing a platform of information to all Australians, particularly regional and remote Australians, and getting information out. We are not Sydney or Melbourne. We do not have access to a plethora of information services where we can get everything off script easily. It is a challenging environment and the decision is poor.

Obviously I consider the staff involved in the 7.30 NT program as well, but for the information provided to Territorians it is bad. He should reconsider. I will follow that up. I am not sure how definitive the decision is, but it needs to be reversed so we can get a greater level of communication throughout the Northern Territory.

I have not spoken about what is happening with the football broadcast across the Territory which will now disappear as well. Many Territorians will have no access to watching Territory football. That is a bad outcome and a poor choice ...

Ms Fyles: Ring Tony.

Mr GILES: It is not about ringing Tony; it is about the ABC making the wrong decisions and investing in the wrong priorities, which will have detrimental effects on the Northern Territory.

Mr ELFERINK (Leader of Government Business): Madam Speaker, I ask that further questions be placed on the Written Question Paper.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016