Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr McCARTHY - 2014-03-19

In August 2012, under Labor, there was more than $125m in capital works projects funded and ready to go into the bush. There was $66m in new health infrastructure, $15m in transport, $30m for youth/early childhood and $13.5m for trade and vocational training. By our analysis, more than half of these projects have stalled. More than $62.5m in infrastructure and jobs in the bush has not been delivered. How long do people in the bush have to wait for these projects? When will you start on delivering your own promises, let alone the promises you have broken here? Remember, you have been in government for 18 months. How much Commonwealth funding has been handed back because you have failed to deliver in the bush?


Madam Speaker, I do not have a copy of the list the member for Barkly has, and I do not have a copy of the analysis. I am aware of the analysis they had yesterday, in regard to Power and Water and people paying bills. I think, within about 15 minutes, we proved Labor’s disconnection analysis data to be completely wrong. I am not sure of the paperwork you have, but your question probably should have been directed towards the Minister for Infrastructure, who has an overall understanding of the infrastructure budget and spends, the cash amounts, revote actuaries and where those projects are going.

He will be able to answer questions about individual projects per date, but in light of us viewing an inherited $5.5bn debt legacy, plus the enormous deficits we have had to accept - particularly around the construction of the gaol - we are still delivering capital item projects across the Northern Territory, whether it be in remote areas, rural areas or urban centres. Overall expenditure, as at 3 March 2014, was $413m, including expenditure by the construction division of $127m on roads and $67m on housing infrastructure. This is 59% of the total cash available for the financial year. The target spend for 30 June 2014 across all regions is $675m, therefore $262m remains to be spent by 30 June 2014.

Over 93% of all Department of Infrastructure contracts have been awarded to Northern Territory local companies from 1 July 2013 to 28 February 2014.

Mr VOWLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 255. I ask the Chief Minister to table the document he is reading from.

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, are they your private notes or do you wish to table the document?

Mr GILES: They are the private notes of one of my colleagues. This equates to $211 520 543 awarded to local companies in the Northern Territory. If there is a specific question about individual projects, ask the Minister for Infrastructure as he can go into more detail. Better still, provide a written question or seek a briefing on any of those particular projects and we will let you know what is going on.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016