Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr DUNHAM (Health, Family and Children’s Services) - 1999-10-14

Mr DUNHAM (Health, Family and Children’s Services): Mr Speaker, during Question Time a matter was raised purportedly concerning accommodation in Palmerston, and a tabled paper was provided which I have now had the opportunity to read. I wish to provide feedback for the House

The paper canvasses a variety of issues. It is a very good report card for government. It starts by saying: ‘In recent years many residents have been involved in formal consultative processes regarding youth issues’ - a good tick for government. We have been consulting widely.

The sample size was 72 - small, but I think some of the issues here are relevant. They talked about a skate park, something that this government has been pushing for some time. They talked about Palmerston Youth Rocks, a drug-free concert. That is an initiative of this government. They talked about YMCA and JPET services, also funded by this government. They talked about the popular programs run by the YMCA, including vacation care programs run by this government. They talked about some of the activities such as rock-climbing, the Internet cafe and fishing. The fishing program was initiated by the current Treasurer as a great vacation care program. They talked about a youth section in the Palmerston Post - not really an issue for government. They talked about the formation of a youth council, in which the current Chief Minister has a very vital interest. They talked about...

Ms MARTIN: A point of order, Mr Speaker! We asked the minister specifically about crisis accommodation and he is giving us this rubbish as his answer. Can he be directed to answer the question, if this is what he is purporting to do?

Mr SPEAKER: I will give the minister some leeway in answering it, but I do ask him to keep it confined as nearly as possible to the question.

Mr DUNHAM: The paper was tabled in true Labor style. They have picked one little lump out of it.

They talked about the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme, another initiative of this government, proudly funded by this government. They talked about youth accommodation, which is the point of the question. I will get back to it. They talked about the NT Youth Festival, also funded by this government. The interviewers posed a series of generic questions and put some additional issues up including the AIMSS night patrol, funded by this government, and policing, where this government with its school-based constable program is well and truly in the forefront. Public transport was another government issue. Juvenile detention was discussed. Interestingly, the belief was that it did nothing, because some kids had a good time there. I’ll pass on that. They talked of Centrelink, a federal matter, and smoking, an issue that was relevant a couple of weeks ago when I launched a youth smoking program.

On the subject of the question, youth accommodation, more than half of the young people consulted knew someone who needed crisis accommodation, and the majority knew someone who accommodated young people. Surely this is a supply-and-demand issue, and I think it’s probably a tick for government. Obviously we can probably do more, but it should be put on the record that this is an issue that the government is addressing.

One group thought - and this is the Labor proposition of having some sort of institution compound, whatever it is –it was not a good idea. They felt not many kids would use it because they would want their freedom.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016