Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr DUNHAM (Health, Family and Children’s Services) - 2000-03-02


Mr DUNHAM (Health, Family and Children’s Services): Mr Speaker, I rise to provide further information to the House on a question that was raised earlier in these sittings relating to equipment for the Royal Darwin Hospital.

On 29 February it was alleged that we had to rely on a corporate donation of some $17 000 because we couldn’t find the money for basic equipment at Royal Darwin Hospital. I rise to inform the House that I have details on all the equipment purchases for the hospitals throughout the Territory. It totals $2.36m, and it provides for equipment in all our areas, including the area that was under question which was Accident and Emergency.

This gear is very expensive. For instance, in Accident and Emergency, a trauma trolley is $8000 per unit. The government acknowledges at the same time the fine work of donors, like the $17 000 from Woolworths. We have had some excellent donations that have come to us. The Starlight Foundation, for instance, donated some games to children who find themselves in hospital, colour TVs, video cassette recorders, and Nintendo games. We have the firies doing their annual bike ride and donating money to the burns unit, and there is the good work of some of the Rotary clubs, the hospital auxiliaries, and the Variety Club.

I would like to let the House know that we welcome the benevolence of the community. There is a great place for it in our hospitals, but to insinuate that this generosity means that the Northern Territory government is not contributing is totally specious.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016