Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 1999-02-18

I wrote to the minister on this matter over a week ago, so I would think he should be on top of the issue now. I asked him to explain inconsistencies in the Racing and Gaming Commission Annual Reports.

The 1996 report gave the unclaimed dividends figure for 1996 as $262 000. The 1997 report gave the unclaimed dividends figure for 1996 as $304 000, a $42 000 difference. The 1997 report first says the unclaimed dividends for 1997 is $304 000. Later in the same report it says that the figure is $359 000, a $49 000 inconsistency.

Can the minister explain this mess, and confirm whether or not these books are audited by the Auditor-General and, if not, why not?


Mr Speaker, I do acknowledge that the member for Nhulunbuy wrote to me last week. That information is now being compiled. He will get a fulsome answer in the very near future and I will make sure that we talk about it afterwards to make sure he is satisfied.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016