Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HENDERSON - 2001-07-03

Chief Minister, the current CLP member for Nightcliff, Steve Hatton, is paid to work for the residents of Nightcliff. Instead of focussing on this important role, a good deal of his time is spent running his labour hire business, Best Practice Skills. Last financial year this business was paid over $220 000 by the CLP government, including over $20 000 on a deal where there was no government tender. The CLP are no longer serving the interests of Territorians, you are simply serving yourselves. After 26 years in government, doesn’t this cosy deal prove that the CLP has forgotten who they are there to serve?


Mr Speaker, the member for Wanguri is gradually becoming the member for grubby allegations which I think is really pretty sad. All the allegations the member for Wanguri has made in this Chamber have been comprehensively debunked. He makes the allegation that somehow there is something untoward about government departments using a labour hire firm for some workforce requirement they might have. Now, I would imagine that is what he is alluding to. It is very easy, as this member does all the time, to use the coward’s castle of parliament to get up and throw a bit of mud. He made the most outrageous allegations against Tracy Aged Care last week and was comprehensively debunked for that. He is a master of just getting up, throwing the mud and probably being …

Mr Henderson: … tabled in this House last week.

Mr BURKE: Mr Speaker, I ask the member to table that document he is raving about and I will certainly have a look it.

Ms Martin: It is your own document.

Mr BURKE: I just make the point that when it comes to Territorians listening to this broadcast, please be cautious when you hear the member for Wanguri and others make allegations in this Chamber. Obviously, government has to respond to the allegation that is thrown, get the information and put the record straight. We will certainly do that with this allegation as we have done with all others in the past.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016