Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr RIOLI - 1999-04-27

The Country Liberal Party administration promised Port Keats would have an Aboriginal Community Sport and Recreation Officer. Port Keats hasn’t had a sport and recreation officer for 6 months since the trial sports and recreation program. Can the minister provide details of what support will be provided to ensure Port Keats has an ongoing sport and recreation program?


Mr Speaker, I do thank the honourable member for the question, because it does give me the chance to inform members as to where we’re at Port Keats on a number of very proactive matters, and a very important pilot scheme, one that was championed very vigorously, in fact, by my ministerial colleague, who also happens to be the local member for the area. Earlier this year, I met with members of the community over there, and with the minister, not only on sports issues, but on a number of related issues, none the least being education, and some federal authorities were there at the time, and that has also produced some good results.

What we had is a scheme in place with a pilot trial program where we did have a sport and recreation officer over there. He was employed for about 12 months, did excellent service and has since moved to Katherine. I would like to place on the public record that Craig Pash is doing a first class job in Katherine, as he also did in Port Keats.

We advertised for his replacement and a series of meetings took place in terms of the panel to interview perspective recruits. That indicated that, at this stage, it was best to probably look around again, which is the process that’s taking place at the moment.

I’ve spoken to the community about intra-measures in terms of some of the funding that we can give to the community directly to run some of the programs until we find a suitable applicant. That process is continuing, and I understand the community has spoken with their local member within the last week. We remain committed; the money is there and it’s simply finding the appropriate person.

I do commend the work done by the previous person out there because he certainly set a very high benchmark for the rest to follow. But we remain committed to the scheme, as soon as we find the most appropriate person.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016