Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BURKE (Chief Minister) - 2000-05-17

Mr BURKE (Chief Minister): Mr Speaker, I seek to provide an answer to the member for Nhulunbuy’s question of 9 May.

The member in that question cast a slur on the whole of the judiciary in the Northern Territory. It was a disgraceful tactic, but one we are getting increasingly used to from the Deputy Leader of the Opposition. He is not interested, in the least bit, in the reputations of Territorians if he can score a few cheap points. He is not interested, in the least bit, that his actions belie the good men and women of our judicial system. He is not interested in any damage he does as long as he gets the media headlines. These are tactics to be deplored and condemned.

Last week in casting doubt on the independence and impartiality of the judiciary, the member for Nhulunbuy sought details of judges remuneration, allowances and other benefits for the past 10 years and magistrates for the past 2 years. I table those documents.

I point out that Remuneration Tribunal decisions on magistrates are regularly tabled in this parliament. Since 1991, the judges of the Northern Territory Supreme Court have been tied to the Commonwealth Remuneration Tribunal’s recommendations relating to Federal Court Judges and these recommendations are regularly tabled in the Federal Parliament.

As with all jurisdictions in Australia there are other benefits relating to a judge’s total package. These can be determined by the government when they are appointed or by the relevant Chief Justice or Chief Judge. These are not, as a matter of course, tabled in the parliament, nor is there any requirement to do so. In tabling these documents today, I want to make it clear that this government in no way condones the attack on the integrity of the judges and magistrates of the Territory, and nor do we in any way go along with the outrageous suggestion of the Labor Party that any of the benefits or conditions awarded to judges or magistrates can be construed to be in order to gain influence. This government has total confidence in the integrity and honesty of the judiciary and rejects any suggestion to the contrary. It is unfortunate that the cheap political tactics of those opposite have made these comments necessary.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016