Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 2000-05-10

How much is being spent on the refurbishment of the Chan Building? Who is paying the bill and what is the future of the Chan Building after June?


Mr Speaker, firstly, the budgeted cost of the refurbishment to the Chan Building is $1.421m. Following the completion of APEC, the government then has to make a decision, do we keep that building that we have now, including the refurbished items and the extensions we have done, the sails etc, or do we transfer those assets to other places? If we were to provide those assets to other government departments and instrumentalities – I am talking everything, to the shade sails to the temporary buildings that are there, to the carpet - the net cost is $300 000. About the only thing we can’t move out of that building is the paint. The only non-reusable asset we’ve put in there is the paint.

The department of transport and infrastructure and Sitzler Bros, the contractors, have done a truly remarkable job of refurbishing that building and I would invite honourable members in this Chamber to take the opportunity to go and have a look. It is truly an outstanding job. Bennett Park, which forms part of the precinct for APEC, and you’ll be aware that the Chief Minister will be introducing legislation this very sittings in the Parliament to extend the Parliamentary precinct to include that area. Bennett Park is being upgraded and will become one of the feature parks in the Parliamentary area and indeed of Darwin. As I said, it cost $1.421m. The minister for Asian Relations has quite eloquently explained the benefits that this will have to Darwin and the Northern Territory, it is money well spent and it is money that has been effectively and efficiently spent on behalf of the Northern Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016