Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 2000-06-20

My question concerns Territorians selected for this year’s Olympics and Paralympic Games. I ask whether the Territory government will be providing any financial assistance to those Territorians?


Mr Speaker, it is a good question from the member for Jingili. It is with much pleasure that I announce this government’s ongoing commitment to its sportsmen and women. $10 000 will be provided to each athlete selected in the Olympics who comes from a regional area and $7500 will be provided to those in the Darwin area.

I will just give a quick list of potential people chosen. In the Paralympic area strong contenders are Mark Davies, Hamish McDonald and Sam Rickard in athletics; Judith Green in swimming; Melissa Dunn and Nadia Romeo in wheelchair basketball; and possibly Bill Medley in wheelchair table tennis.

In the other Olympics there is Stephen Holt and Mark Hickman from hockey; Christine Trefry in pistol; and Nova Peris-Kneebone in athletics. Kerry Dienelt has already been named captain of the Australian Softball Team and Henry Collins has already been chosen as a member of the Olympic boxing team.

This government is proud to continue to sponsor all Territory athletes who excel at the highest levels. I might add that all these athletes have either had a past or a present association with the NTIS, a visionary move done in 1996. This is for the benefit of all Territory athletes at the elite level, and we will continue to support them.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016