Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr ELFERINK - 1999-02-17

I understand from an item in yesterday’s Centralian Advocate that an Alice Springs woman, who was responsible for the death of her 5-year old son in Alice Springs several years ago, is due for release from an Adelaide jail this weekend after serving time on an unrelated matter. As I understand it, Ms Walsh may have breached the terms of her suspended sentence she was given by the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory for the death of her child. Is the Northern Territory government taking any action to have Ms Walsh returned to the Territory upon her release from South Australia?


Mr Speaker, in December 1997 Leanne Walsh was found guilty of killing her 5-year old son by stabbing him 4 times in the chest. She was given a 5-year suspended sentence, after pleading guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility. It is a fact that Ms Walsh is in breach of that suspended sentence order and a Supreme Court warrant was issued for her arrest on 29 April last year. Police will be taking action to extradite Ms Walsh from South Australia upon her release from jail and the process that will follow will be self evident from the information I have given members.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016