Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 1999-02-17

I seek leave to table a copy of the sanitised Newspoll report prepared for the public servants as justification for the $10 600 cost to taxpayers. I seek leave also to table the 3 other Newspoll reports dated 6 November, 10 November and 11 November 1992 that were provided to Country Liberal Party operatives, and perhaps if we could get them directly to the Chief Minister he would see very quickly what I am talking about.

These reports were all derived from the same research paid for by taxpayers. They were all delivered to Country Liberal Party operatives and they were all hidden from public servants. What is clear is that they include voter intention data. One even focuses on Snowdon’s popularity in the election.

Mr HATTON: A point of order, Mr Speaker! I thought the member for Nhulunbuy was asking a question, not giving a speech in parliament.

Mr SPEAKER: There is no point of order but would the member get around to the question as quickly as possible.

Mr STIRLING: They all include data which governments have no legitimate right to spend taxpayers’ money on. Will the open, honest and accountable new Chief Minister now move to rid himself of the stench of corruption which lingers over the Country Liberal Party by supporting our move for an independent inquiry?


Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! The question has been asked - do you wish to hear the answer? Order!

Mr BURKE: Mr Speaker, in the words of the opposition leader: ‘I am the leader now - we are going that way’. I will have a read of this. I am sure it is interesting reading. It certainly does not change my position.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016